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June 22, 2021: Schoolhouse Pond Preserve

Although the preserve no longer has a schoolhouse and the pond is technically a bog, Schoolhouse Pond Preserve is worth a visit. On the northern part of Barters Island, the 42-acre parcel is one of BRLT’s quieter preserves and offers a secluded setting with a 1.2-mile loop trail. While there are no water views from this property, the beautiful mixed forest features a variety of wildflowers, interesting rock formations, spectacular outcroppings of granite and a beautiful old stone wall.

From early records, it appears this land had an unremarkable past. Ledge rock abounded so the best use of the land was probably as a woodlot, with opportunities for cranberry and blueberry picking. For many years, a single town road ran up the interior of Barters Island, with lanes and smaller roads branching off to serve the houses near the shore. In the 1870s new roads were built on the islands exterior, and the original town road fell into disuse. Even today, there are still distinctive ruts and furrows which endure from the old road, part of which has been incorporated into the trail that winds through the preserve.

The preserves biggest claim to fame is that it was home to one of Barters Island’s schoolhouses in the 19th century. Old maps show the school was on the ridge, not too far from the small bog which is still there today. Built sometime between 1837 and 1846, the school was closed in about 1895 when a new school was built a short distance away on the west side of the island. The old school building was sold for $10 to a Barters Island resident and moved from the original location, but its new location has been lost through history.

For at least a decade prior to the acquisition of the property by Boothbay Region Land Trust, several individuals from Barters Island had explored the possibility of protecting a trail on the property, portions of which remained from the old town road. Others had requested that an additional hiking trail be opened on Barters Island to supplement the trail already in place at Porter Preserve. When the property went on the market, the land trust moved quickly to acquire an option to purchase it. Purchased in 2001 with funds raised by more than 80 property owners on Barters Island and other friends, Schoolhouse Pond Preserve and its rich history will remain protected into the future.

For a guided walk of Schoolhouse Pond Preserve, please join us this Friday, June 25th at 10 AM. The hour-long program includes a 1 mile walk and explores the history and ecology of the property. Group is limited to 10 participants with the walk to follow current CDC Covid guidelines for outside gatherings. Registration is required by contacting Tracey at or 633-4818.