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While the farmhouse at Oak Point has remained closed to the public since last spring, the subdued atmosphere at our visitor center has provided the perfect opportunity to tackle some interior projects in the building this winter. Over the past few years, the land trust has undertaken major upgrades needed to convert the 1700s farmhouse into a usable visitor center and headquarters for the organization. While these efforts transformed the building into a sustainable and fully accessible visitor center, there are a few finishing touches that had yet to be addressed.

This winter two of BRLT’s all-star volunteers, Jack Fulmer and Stan Wakefield, lent their time and talent to prepping walls and replacing (and in some cases, custom designing and cutting) new floorboards after the removal of an obsolete baseboard heating system. Then this month BRLT contracted with a painting company to fully prime and paint every square inch of wall and ceiling in the farmhouse (with the exception of our beautiful painted mural on the first floor!). This finished coat is finally giving the building an updated look to match the many improvements already completed.

When we are finally able to reopen to the public, we expect it will feel a bit like a grand opening! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy these pictures of the work in progress.