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Self-Guided Winter Tree Identification Walk

Cross River Preserve

From bark to twigs to a tree silhouette against a cold winter sky, this is the perfect time to go into the woods and observe and learn tree identification. This...

Story Trail: How to Find a Fox (New Dates)

Boothbay Region Land Trust’s Oak Point Farm 60 Samoset Rd, Boothbay Harbor

Read a family friendly book while walking through the winter woods. Follow the illustrated signs along the trail as they tell a tale that connects you to your natural surroundings....

Midday Books at Oak Point Farm

Boothbay Region Land Trust’s Oak Point Farm 60 Samoset Rd, Boothbay Harbor

The March meeting will discuss: Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake ——— Offered in collaboration with Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library, this book group focuses on the fascinating world of nonfiction science....